Blog posts tagged "magento" – Posts 1..5 of 8 posts found:

Making use of Magento's cache

Popular open source e-commerce solution Magento can be quite slow, but there are ways of improving its performance. Caching is one very effective way and Magento supports various caching backends out of the box, including Memcached. If you write your own Magento extensions, be they plugins or templates, you might benefit from using the cache for things that might otherwise tie up a lot of resources to recompute. This is quite easy to do, but information on caching is surprisingly rare. So how do you do it?
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Book review: Magento Performance Optimization How-to

Open source e-commerce platform Magento is widely used and flexible, but at the default settings, it can be dog slow. Packt Publishing recently released "Magento Performance Optimization How-to" by Nayrolles Mathieu in print and ebook format. It aims to be a short, fast and focussed guide to improving the perfomance of Magento stores using practical, hands-on recipes. So is it any good?
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Magento & Memcached - Fix "Unknown number format type 'boolean'."

Recently, I posted a guide to speed up Magento using Memcached. If you've followed another guide that has incomplete information, Magento may fail to work, greeting you with a rather unhelpful error message "Unknown number format type 'boolean'. Format '' must be a valid number format string.". The fix for this is simple.
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Speed up Magento with Memcached

Magento is a highly flexible, open source e-commerce solution. Unfortunately, it can also be dog-slow, especially on servers with modest hardware specifications. Throwing extra hardware at the problem is not a great solution. There is a lot of tweaking that can be done, though. Very significant speedups may be realised through the use of Memcached. Magento supports this out of the box, but it is not enabled by default. Here's how to set that up.
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Magento: Loading a category or product by URL key

Sometimes you want to load a specific category (or product) in Magento. It's easy enough to load an object by its ID number, but magic numbers are bad. Besides, the number could differ between your development environment and the live production site. Fortunately, it is also possible to load an object by its url_key.
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