Latest 5 posts

Review: Projector Face

A cute new point and click adventure game was released through Steam last week. This particular adventure game is a bit different from most modern ones in that there is no speech, only about a dozen screens, and you play not as a person, but as a... film projector... walking around magically? This is Projector Face, by Fluik Entertainment.
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HTTP Public Key Pinning

HTTPS sites are encrypted with a public/private key pair, being vouched for in a certificate by having that certificate signed by a trusted CA. However, it might be possible that somebody generates a certificate for your domain and has it signed by a fraudulent or compromised CA. Protection against this is provided by use of HKPK. But what keys should be "pinned" and why? I've found information about this online to be lacking, so I did some research and here's the results.
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Getting off's junk mail block list

Microsoft's is one of the largest email providers in the world and anybody who sends email to customers will encounter plenty of, or addresses. As such, Microsoft has to deal with a lot of spam for all those billions of emails it processes and sometimes the spam detection is a bit overzealous. It doesn't take much for your server's IP address to be blacklisted, or you might even inherit a blacklisting from the previous owner of the IP address assigned to your newly commissioned server. Then you get the 550 SC-001 error.
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Je suis Paris! Je suis Beirut?

It's been less than two days since horrific terrorist attacks took place in the heart of Paris. Just a day before that, IS also killed 40 people in Beirut in a particularly vicious attack. The entire world is in an uproar about Paris. Few people care about Beirut. How come? Why do the events in France overshadow those in Lebanon?
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