Blog posts tagged "internet" – Posts 16..20 of 23 posts found:

Tunneling IPv6 over IPv4 using SixXS on Win7 x64

It's been a long time coming, and now the IPv4 address pool has been exhausted. Still it doesn't seem like world is scrambling to switch over to IPv6 (it doesn't even seem like they're preparing for it, even though they ought to be ready). My provider hasn't even given any information about their plans for implementing IPv6. This makes it difficult to see if my own network or any of the stuff I make will handle IPv6. Fortunately, there are services that allow you to experiment with IPv6 by tunneling it through IPv4. SixXS is one such service, but setting up a tunnels, especially on Windows 7 (64 bit) is a bit more involved than you might think from the documentation or the 10 step guide and there's a few things that are unclear or downright missing. Here's my step-by-step walkthrough.
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Beyond or beside Google: Week 5 - Cuil

During the fifth week of my search experiment, I have used Cuil as my primary search engine. Cuil is apparently pronounced "cool", although, like with Teoma (pronounced "chawmuh") I really can't bring myself to say it that way – to me it looks French and I keep thinking "queel" in my head. Anyway, the odd name aside, Cuil was launched with great fanfare as a "Google killer". That is quite the bold ambition and if you want to beat Google at their own game, you had better bring some seriously innovative ideas to the table. Even more important than great ideas is a great, near flawless implementation of those ideas. This is where Cuil not just falls short, but fails miserably.
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Beyond or beside Google: Week 4 - Yahoo!

In my search engine experiment, the last week of April was for Yahoo!. From the list, that is the oldest search engine I have ever used. It started out not so much as a search engine, but differentiated itself by being a directory, where links were organised into categories. Of course, the web has grown explosively and it is no longer feasible to keep everything organised this way, but Yahoo! has maintained its portal function and remains one fo the most visited sites on the web.
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Beyond or beside Google: Week 3 - Duck Duck Go

Another week, another search engine. In the fourth week of April, I have tried out Duck Duck Go as primary search engine. In the line-up of search engines that I'm trying out, Duck Duck Go and Cuil are the newest and also the most different from the mainstream search engines. Although I admit to dreading Cuil week, in Duck Duck Go's case these seem to be positive differences. DDG takes some getting used to and it lacks some of the extra features offered by the major players, but once you do get used to it, it works well and is actually fun to use. So much fun, in fact, that I ended up making lots of notes and this may be one of the longest posts I'll ever write.
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Beyond or beside Google: Week 2 - Google

The previous week was the second in my search experiment. From the twelfth through the eighteenth of April, I have once again used Google as primary search engine. Now, the reason I switched away from Google for search was not because of the quality of Google's search result. Those are generally excellent and sufficiently unobtrusive most of the time that I don't even give it a second thought. Because of this, this post actually took quite a while to write.
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