Blog posts tagged "magento" – Posts 6..8 of 8 posts found:

Magento: Quantity corresponding to minimum price tier

When displaying a product summary for a product with tiered pricing, Magento shows the user how much they can save by showing the minimum price (including tax). Especially with the way the string "As low as" is translated to other languages, this can be confusing and you might want to show the quantity of the product the customer needs to buy to get it at the displayed minimum price. Unfortunately, while Magento has the getMinimalPrice method to retrieve the lowest tier price, it doesn't have a convenient function to retrieve the corresponding tier quantity.
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Magento: Blank page in Connect downloader

Magento is extensible with plugin modules. Many free as well as commercial modules are available through the Magento Connect marketplace. Extension packages bought from the marketplace are installed through the Connect Manager. Unfortunately, having Magento working properly doesn't automatically mean the Connect Manager also works. It may complain about not having sufficient write permissions on the Magento folder or even worse, simply displays a blank page.
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Magento: Show address fields in account creation form

The Magento eCommerce platform hides the "address fields", including the customer's company name, by default. To enable them, most sources on the internet suggest overriding the register.phtml file and either commenting out the check to getShowAddressFields or to specifically call $this->setShowAddressFields (true);. That'll work, but it's not the proper way to do it. Read on the learn the proper way.
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